Monday, July 22, 2013

Posing in Ghostville....

So as usual I wanted to find someplace beautiful to Pose in the freebies I found, doing some searching on Second Life Destination guide, I thought I was going to a place called "Tim's Dreams @ MetaLES, but when I got there, it was under construction....

Circa Ghost (the creator of RUST) was working on her latest project called "Ghostville".... She let me snap a picture there and let me know that the sim would be opening on this Thursday, 25 July 2013.

Posing @ Ghostville

It turned into a great shot, that I was able to use for my FabFree Post "Lot More than a Ghost Town"
Really beautiful place, you should check it out as well!

*big hugs* Hope to post here again soon...... Care <3


Monday, July 15, 2013

A MadPea Productions Hunt - The Return to Room 326

First let me say ..... I know it's been months since I posted here..... *laughs* but I got a job as a blogger with my favorite Second life Freebie site, and have been insanely busy with keeping up with 5 posts a week for them!...  but I wanted to update this site and also show the MadPea hunt "The Return to Room 326" from my perspective.  As usually all these pictures have no Photoshop done to them, just windlight and straight out of the box to you!

As with any MadPea I ran over to pick up my "HUD"

(It costs L$ 150 and can be picked up in any of the HUD vendors at    sim.   which as usual the Hud was closed when I received it... that little pea was taunting me as if to say....

"I DARE YOU TO OPEN ME"..... using the clue I read in my local chat, I finally made my way to room 326 and got this sucker to open up and show me it's goodies!!

There locked inside when a folder with all the people that had gone missing!!! it was my job to find out what happened to them..... and how the heck was this crazy room and hotel involved!!
so after clicking on the sad faced woman, local chat told me I had to go to the Warbug Headquarters sim @ Black /174/61/21.
Going around and around
After what felt like hours of going around and around in circles, I hopped off the carousel and gave a good look for the envelope I was prompted to find..
and Viola!! found it!!
so as I continued through the various files on the people that were missing I snapped a few shots of the places along the way!
This is Death LUCKY CHAIR Row
 I couldn't believe the sheer number of Lucky Chairs Death Row @ Death Row (131,135,79) has at their store when I was searching there for the next "victim" erm.... Lost one..... Now where is that envelope hiding!!

At Druidamus Whisper @ Sylvhara (101,87,2501)This monk was surely keeping his vow of silence.... but in the end I was able to find my envelope and continue on my journey.
I stopped to listen to some fish tales by the dorflings at Dwarfins store @ Dwarfins (32,141,23)..... I offered to punt them.... *pouts* but sadly they had had enough of THAT for one day.... NO FAIR!!
Goodness, I need a rest...
My next file took me to DIGS @ Terra Felix (136,127,23), where I found not only my envelope but also these comfy chairs for me to rest in!! YAY for good animations for both male and female... my hubby will cheer as well ;)  His pet peeve.... sitting in a chair that makes him look all girlie like!!

Heading over to Mad' @ Oro (22,214,2000), I heard this poor girl from three blocks away puking her guts out....It was mad disgusting, but you know.... MUST FIND THE ENVELOPE, was all my brain kept shouting!!  dang, I need to turn down the volume in that thing.
I stopped and had a fruity drink at Oceania Breedables @ Wilderness (176,201,23) tiki bar hut.... Totally num num tasting!!! and .... Yep.. the envelope was within my grasp.

Should I be at the children's table?
When I first arrived at Never Totally Dead @ Ketama (64,173,1204), I thought maybe I was too late for dinner, but then.. I closed the curtain and like magic the table set itself!!!.... Though I had to wonder.... "Should I be at the kids' table?"  *sad face* I am short.. what can I say..... Have to find the envelope.
At SAKIDE @ Dark Tranquility (121,72,25) I found myself talking to myself... !! but at least I was comfy doing it.... I think I see the envelope peeking around over there!!

Catching Up`

At Poetica @ Polia (170,48,2498), I stopped to catch up on some blog notes before I ran around looking for the next envelope!
All Excited!
I was famished by the time I got to Distorted Dreams @ Epic Sanctuary (52,15,1502) and got all excited when I saw that they were giving away popcorn!.... Oh yeah, and I found the envelope
Trying to be nice...
When I went to Shey @ BoSH (212,19,23), I found this poor plant that looked like it needed some water, so I took out my handy dandy watering can, and went to work..... after that, I then found the envelope.
Queen for a day
One of my last stops was Noctis @ Steelhead Nevermoor (174,35,27), I felt like a queen when I sat in this chair... but then I had to move and find that envelope...
Yet another rainy day!
It was then that I was led back to MadCity Mad City @ Da Vinci Isle (119,176,29), as usual it was pouring there, gratefully they sold this cute umbrella at the hotel lobby for L$ 10.   I was on a search for some fortune teller who had the key to the rest of this madness... 
I wandered around Mad City trying to find this woman's establishment, down one street, up another....
I found myself having to rest and a better spot I could not find.... sooo great this couch @ Apple Falls store in Mad City.  When I woke from my nap I went off in search of Madam Peacocks.
when I arrived at her door I found a note saying that she was off to solve the mystery herself, as I went to call my friend I found that she too had left an envelope.
I then received the message " You fooled them all, played well your part, now you must become the last piece of my art...
clicking on the location PIN, I found myself in a strange version of the hotel where this all started!
In mind numbing circles I seemed to find myself... halls strangely lit and haunting...


What was that I wondered.... after creeping down the stairs stained with blood...
In my mind, I couldn't make sense of what I was seeing....
I couldn't help but scream!!
You see it as well?  don't you?  I forced myself to move on... searching for that mysterious room...
Definitely not this way..... I could actually hear as the spike punctured through this vivid echo of its victim's fatal moment...
Finally, after hours of searching... I collapsed upon the bed in the room..... what could they have meant...last piece of art...... then I saw it... just behind me...
The world opened up... and I enthralled in the moment, decided I wanted an even closer look..... Down down down..... till I found myself....
Yet again.... in the rain.... sadly my umbrella had been damaged during my adventure....  seeing an open door.... I discovered the end of my journey was close at hand...
MadPea Productions had once again.... gave me the thrill of adventure.... to find out about the prizes given, please see my post on FabFree called "Returning to Room 326"
I hope you all enjoyed my adventures as much as I did.... *big hugs* Hope to post here again soon...... Care <3

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hazardous, Misali

So I wanted to find someplace truly beautiful to take a few pictures at and to explore.  I found Hazardous.  This sim asks one to "Dream infinitely..... remain Hazardous adventures."  Only thing I found that seemed hazardous is you can fall into some places and end up elsewhere.   You'll find poses, dance balls, music and a lovely environment. 
Hazardous Occasions.. by Caresia Adored
Hazardous Occasions.., a photo by Caresia Adored on Flickr.

Hanging can Hazardous by Caresia Adored
Hanging can Hazardous, a photo by Caresia Adored on Flickr.

Hair:  >TRUTH< Teddy -  black & whites
Skin:  Glam Affair - Dark Side - Roza 01
Lashes:  Koketka *Eyelashes v.23*
Shoes: Tres Blah -  Saddle Shoes - Classic  (Found at Collabor88)
Gloves:  .:: Bitch Tail ::. part of "Better" outfit
Pants:  Auxiliary  - Knitting Circle Easter Hunt  - Auxiliary Egg3 ($L0)
Necklace, Tattoo, Earrings - Lux Aeternus

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hangars Liquides

Tonight I had the pleasure of finding Hangars Liquides.  This sim is simply a technopunk heaven, beautifully laid out, with tons of little niches to explore.  You'll find these little teleport machines located throughout the sim that allow you to navigate around, or you can simple fly.  There are all kinds of places built into this environment that would take me more than one night to completely explore. 

Wandering by Caresia Adored
Wandering, a photo by Caresia Adored on Flickr.

Wandering by Caresia Adored

Hair:  Magika [03] Blame 
Skin:  Essences - Clover COLD *sunkissed*
Hoodie:  Ducknipple - Cropped Hoodie (JOJ Hunt - female gift)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Inca Priestess

 So today I spent my time doing the Madpea: The Lost Treasure of the Inca Warrior Game.  I dressed myself up in a few of the items and snapped some pictures of the end game, and off sim to show off the goodies :) 
Paid 100L and completed my HUD, (after quite a few deaths I might add *sad face*)
But it was totally worth all the fun!

The inner sanctum where you collect your prizes :D
Singing praises for the completion!
The game's exit

Pose: "Feel the Presence" by Lux Aeturnus. 
PATRON gave this Inca Sound Garden as a prize,
which not only looks great, but sounds wonderful.
I put two headdresses on, the big feathery one is from Boudoir
and the Child of the Sun headdress is from Frippery.
The full body tattoo is by Fallen Gods Inc, and called, "INTI"
hair:  .:EMO-tions:. * MOON * black
skin:  ::dl:: Demon Inside Skin
The outfit is by Kastle Rock, it's called "Dragon",
comes with the silks, and jewelry to match, along with Lolas Tango applier.
The Kings Ransom Throne Set was given by Roawenwood.

Monday, March 25, 2013


Topophonia by Caresia Adored
Topophonia, a photo by Caresia Adored on Flickr.

I tend to go exploring, so when I see a SIM pop up on the Destinations window, I check it out ... 

Twisted at Elysion

Twisted at Elysion by Caresia Adored
Twisted at Elysion, a photo by Caresia Adored on Flickr.
Hanging out at Elysion , i wanted to showcase a bit more of the Twisted Hunt Items :)
Dress:  ^v^DRBC^v^ Opium Lolita Dress
Leggings:  1 Hundred. Twisted Delirium
Boots:  {Kita's Sideshow} Malice Outfit
Hair:  Alice Project: Delirium:  Electric Blue
Big Horns:  .::Kre-ations::. She is my sin Horns
Small Horns:  Indigo Oddities Distemper horns

My little pet is a little Mesh attachment that has great movement it is called:  [Manticore] Black Cait v2

Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Little Twisted

A Little Twisted by Caresia Adored
A Little Twisted, a photo by Caresia Adored on Flickr.
Yeah, I've been working on the Twisted 8 Hunt. Right now I'm sporting some of the items I have gotten so far..
From Hunt:
Hair:  ! TH 40 of 146 ! Alice Project - Comes in 3 colors (blue, green and purple)
Skin:  BRAT[inc] / 7 Deadly s{K}ins hunt item.
Earrings:  ! TH 1 of 146 ! Secrets of Gaia
Little Horns:  ! TH 63 of 146 ! Indigo Oddities (part of Distemper Avatar hunt item)
Left Eye Tat with Black Mouth line:  ! TH 95 of 146 ! +Little Pricks+ (comes with 4 different versions) Really beautiful sim.
Necklace:  ! TH 44 of 146 ! The Little Bat - The Decoy Prize

The Norm for me.
Eyes and Royo Tat - Lux Aeternus, made for me.
The Neck Tat:  Letis Tattoo, MM916

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Angel at Home

022113_012 by Caresia Adored
022113_012, a photo by Caresia Adored on Flickr. 
Hair: Truth- Zuzka, L$250
Skin:  Essences - Thursday (The Dressing Room) L$70.  (came with appliers)
Outfit:  *B.D.R.* Fallen Angel L$150  (came with appliers)

I dressed up in *B.D.R.* Fallen Angel outfit from the Marketplace (came with Tango Appliers *yay*)  I found a spot hidden at home, and snapped this picture <3 care.

Down in the Abiss, or is it up?

022013_005 by Caresia Adored
022013_005, a photo by Caresia Adored on Flickr. 
Hair:  e l i k a t i r a - Caramel (closes Feb 23rd) L$84 (essentials color box)
Skin: DeeTaleZ Skin Brilliance Skin Gogo rose 2 MED DARK (DOLLARBIE).  (check notices in group - free to join)
Necklace was made by my partner, he's going to be selling them soon <3

Sitting on a dock in the Abiss Interior skybox.  I liked how it made my new skin look <3 Care

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Life is beautiful...

Life is beautiful... by Caresia Adored
Hair:  TRUTH - Zuzka w/roots - pearl.
Boots:  ShuShu Falls DREAM boots (wearable demo)  >FREE<
Jacket:  ShuShu STEP UP wool jacket (wearable demo).  >FREE<
skirt:  ShuShu MEET YOU mini skirt
Lounger:  Trompe Loeil:  Pallet Lounger (Four Walls, hunt item)
Skin:  AL VULO! - Alyss* Wonderland (GG) >FREE<

Did a full scan of my computer, defragged all my drives, and fired up Firestorm.... gratefully... it seems to be more stable now...

I took this picture at my house and was able to pump up the graphics and play with the windlight.  YAY!!!

Life IS beautiful, and now the game is too once again <3 data-blogger-escaped-p="">